Last June 29, I witnessed the graduation of several Filipino-American students at Eskwela Natin's summer class. I watched them with pride and joy knowing that their lives were now enriched with new learnings about their Filipino heritage.
During the program, they played the maracas which they made themselves two weeks ago.
They performed a couple of folk dances which greatly entertained all the parents and the rest of the audience in the room.
I was also so pleased to present the winner of my free book giveaway. Who else but Ely? In this picture she is now holding her very own book. She kept telling me, "You are my favorite author!" :-)
Some went home with my books, either as a raffle winner or an eager buyer.
The afternoon wasn't complete without a photo taken with the former mayor of the City of Davis, Hon. Ruth Asmundson.
I look forward to being back again next year for more book readings and free book giveaways! Hopefully, my goddaughter will be able to join in too.