I was tickled pink to find out that Ayla's favorite book is The Magic Paintbrush. I am also thrilled that she started going to Kindergarten last month after enjoying her trip to Disneyland, a dream come true from the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
If I had a magic paintbrush like Alexa, one of my wishes would be to make her free of cancer. May she have many more years of laughter, fun, and adventures with her family and friends. If you want to follow Ayla's struggles and triumphs, here's her Facebook page - #Aylastrong https://www.facebook.com/groups/1559799374338373/
If I had a magic paintbrush like Alexa, one of my wishes would be to make her free of cancer. May she have many more years of laughter, fun, and adventures with her family and friends. If you want to follow Ayla's struggles and triumphs, here's her Facebook page - #Aylastrong https://www.facebook.com/groups/1559799374338373/